The source of air to pressurize an aircraft varies mainly with engine type. Reciprocating aircraft have pressurization sources different from those of turbine-powered aircraft. Note that the compression of air raises its temperature. A means for keeping pressurization air cool enough is built into most pressurization systems. It may be in the form of a heat exchanger, using cold ambient air to modify the temperature of the air from the pressurization source. A full air cycle air conditioning system with expansion turbine may also be used. The latter provides the advantage of temperature control on the ground and at low altitudes where ambient air temperature may be higher than comfortable for the passengers and crew.
Reciprocating Engine Aircraft
There are three typical sources of air used to pressurize reciprocating aircraft: supercharger, turbocharger, and engine-driven compressor. Superchargers and turbochargers are installed on reciprocating engines to permit better performance at high altitude by increasing the quantity and pressure of the air in the induction system. Some of the air produced by each of these can be routed into the cabin to pressurize it. A supercharger is mechanically driven by the engine. Despite engine performance increases due to higher induction system pressure, some of the engine output is utilized by the supercharger. Furthermore, superchargers have limited capability to increase engine performance. If supplying both the intake and the cabin with air, the engine performance ceiling is lower than if the aircraft were not pressurized.
Superchargers must be located upstream of the fuel delivery to be used for pressurization. They are found on older reciprocating engine aircraft, including those with radial engines. [Figures 1 and 2]
Figure 1. A reciprocating engine supercharger can be used as a source of pressurization if it is upstream of carburetion |
Figure 2. The radial engine supercharger cannot be used since fuel is introduced before the supercharger impeller compresses the air |
Turbochargers, sometimes known as turbosuperchargers, are driven by engine exhaust gases. They are the most common source of pressurization on modern reciprocating engine aircraft. The turbocharger impeller shaft extends through the bearing housing to support a compression impeller in a separate housing. By using some of the turbocharger compressed air for cabin pressurization, less is available for the intake charge, resulting in lower overall engine performance. Nonetheless, the otherwise wasted exhaust gases are put to work in the turbocharger compressor, enabling high altitude flight with the benefits of low drag and weather avoidance in relative comfort and without the use of supplemental oxygen. [Figures 3 and 4]
Figure 3. A turbocharger used for pressurizing cabin air and engine intake air on a reciprocating engine aircraft |
Figure 4. A turbocharger installation on a reciprocating aircraft engine (top left side) |
Both superchargers and turbochargers are oil lubricated. The supercharger is part of the fuel intake system and the turbocharger is part of the exhaust system. As such, there is a risk of contamination of cabin air from oil, fuel, or exhaust fumes should a malfunction occur, a shortcoming of these pressurization sources.
A third source of air for pressurizing the cabin in reciprocating aircraft is an engine driven compressor. Either belt driven or gear driven by the accessory drive, an independent, dedicated compressor for pressurization avoids some of the potential contamination issues of superchargers and turbochargers. The compressor device does, however, add significant weight. It also consumes engine output since it is engine driven.
The roots blower is used on older, large reciprocating engine aircraft. [Figure 5] The two lobes in this compressor do not touch each other or the compressor housing. As they rotate, air enters the space between the lobes and is compressed and delivered to the cabin for pressurization. Independent engine-driven centrifugal compressors can also be found on reciprocating engine aircraft. [Figure 6] A variable ratio gear drive system is used to maintain a constant rate of airflow during changes of engine rpm.
Figure 5. A roots blower found on older pressurized aircraft is gear driven by the engine. It pressurizes air as the rotors rotate very close to each other without touching |
Figure 6. A centrifugal cabin supercharger |
Near maximum operating altitude, the performance of any reciprocating engine and the pressurization compressor suffer. This is due to the reduced pressure of the air at altitude that supplies the intake of each. The result is difficulty in maintaining a sufficient volume of air to the engine intake to produce power, as well as to allow enough air to the fuselage for pressurization. These are the limiting factors for determining the design ceiling of most reciprocating aircraft, which typically does not exceed 25,000 feet. Turbine engine aircraft overcome these shortcomings, permitting them to fly at much higher altitudes.
Turbine Engine Aircraft
The main principle of operation of a turbine engine involves the compression of large amounts of air to be mixed with fuel and burned. Bleed air from the compressor section of the engine is relatively free of contaminants. As such, it is a great source of air for cabin pressurization. However, the volume of air for engine power production is reduced. The amount of air bled off for pressurization compared to the overall amount of air compressed for combustion is relatively small but should be minimized. Modern large-cabin turbofan engine aircraft contain recirculation fans to reuse up to 50 percent of the air in the cabin, maintaining high engine output.
There are different ways hot, high-pressure bleed air can be exploited. Smaller turbine aircraft, or sections of a large aircraft, may make use of a jet pump flow multiplier. With this device, bleed air is tapped off of the turbine engine’s compressor section. It is ejected into a venturi jet pump mounted in air ducting that has one end open to the ambient air and the other end directed into the compartment to be pressurized. Due to the low pressure established in the venturi by the bleed air flow, air is drawn in from outside the aircraft. It mixes with the bleed air and is delivered to the pressure vessel to pressurize it. An advantage of this type of pressurization is the lack of moving parts. [Figure 7] A disadvantage is only a relatively small volume of space can be pressurized in this manner.
Figure 7. A jet pump flow multiplier ejects bleed air into a venturi which draws air for pressurization from outside the aircraft |
Another method of pressurizing an aircraft using turbine engine compressor bleed air is to have the bleed air drive a separate compressor that has an ambient air intake. A turbine turned by bleed air rotates a compressor impellor mounted on the same shaft. Outside air is drawn in and compressed. It is mixed with the bleed air outflow from the turbine and is sent to the pressure vessel. Turboprop aircraft often use this device, known as a turbocompressor. [Figure 8]
Figure 8. A turbo compressor used to pressurize cabins mostly in turboprop aircraft |
The most common method of pressurizing turbine-powered aircraft is with an air cycle air conditioning and pressurization system. Bleed air is used, and through an elaborate system including heat exchangers, a compressor, and an expansion turbine, cabin pressurization and the temperature of the pressurizing air are precisely controlled. This air cycle system is discussed in greater detail in the
air conditioning post. [Figure 9]
Figure 9. An air cycle air conditioning system used to pressurize the cabin of a business jet |